Fast food comes from factories that manufacture alternated food supplies. Those factories create an overproduction of meat, vegetables, grains and etc. Then the meat, vegetables, and grains are then shipped to restaruant chains where the supplies are pre-heated, cooked with artificial oil or even used oil. The so called fast food are practically low cost and are easily compatible to being kept fresh for days. They have absolutely no fiber or complex carbohydrates in them, and they are packed with saturated fat and cholesterol. In the short term, eating meat, dairy products, and eggs is likely to make a person fat and lethargic [1]. Its taste are preserved and the artificial flavor follows the basic taste of for example chicken and beef. All that is needed are the hydrogenated vegetable oil that are pumped into fast foods which contain high amounts of trans fat [2] . Besides all the un healthiness of artificialized meat and vegetables, “hydrogenated vegetable oil” is added and a typical Mcdonalds’ cheeseburger contains 320 calories [3] . Humans do not think of what they eat especially here in the US as billions are served daily (Mcdonalds logo). In the movie “Our Daily Bread” there are scenes of an abundance of fruits and vegetables being produced, thousand of little chicks mistreated and labeled, and bulls living in spaces filled with their own manure. There are thousands of factories like the ones shown in the movie that ship food out to many fast food chains.
Although fast food chains have opened around the world especially in the Filippines, certain countries still keep their ancestrial diet in tact. A typical Filippino diet may consist of fresh cooked rice, a meat which would come from a local farm, and vegetables. In many of the recipes that follow, vegetable ingredients that are used may be difficult to locate in ordinary food stores or supermarkets [4]. Each dish are either cooked in vinegar, sour fruit of vegetable or even coconut milk. There are fried dishes but without the use of “hydrogenated” oil. In comparison to a value meal from Mcdonalds, a Filippino dish taste original and is 5 times healthier due to the amount difference of calories.

A value meal always consist of a meat. The only difference is that the meat are usually from a meat packing industry. A factory that genetically alternates the animals body figure to produce more meat. The industries also tries to save as much money and at the same time tries to make more. A fast food meal may consist certain disease of e. coli from the meat. From the movie “Fast Food Nation”, the cows are killed in the most ridiculous ways making it possible for their intestine to burst. The spread of feces from the intestine also makes it possible for the strains of e. coli to reside in the muscle of the meat, this meat is then shipped to local restaruants and shopping markets. Our nation of fast food is extremely dangerous and unhealthy. From Mcdonalds to even local supermarkets the industrial food life has taken over.
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